Before Kalli helped hundreds to get the body and life of their dreams, she had her own challenges.
In fact, imagine that for every one pound you gained, it was really four pounds.
So five pounds would really be 20, 10 pounds would really 40 and so on.
That was the situation Kalli was in. She was born with a genetic condition called hip dysplasia. It’s where the hips don’t form right.
Caught early enough this condition can be corrected. But unfortunately Kalli’s pediatrician missed it. It wasn’t until the age of 11 that her parents knew something was terribly wrong.
They first noticed that Kalli couldn’t do the splits like all the others girls at her gymnastics class no matter how hard she tried. When asked why she explained that her hips hurt too bad. Sensing something was wrong her mother took her to see a doctor.
And it was that doctors visit and a simple x-ray that changed Kalli’s life forever.
The doctor came back in with the x-ray results and said, “With the shape of her hips I don’t even know how she’s walking.”
They learned that Kalli had hip dysplasia and it needed to be corrected before she found herself in a wheelchair. So at age 11 she had a double hip reconstructive surgery. The surgery took hours with doctors coming and going. It was excruciating but the recovery was even worse.
There she was, 11 years old during summer break, stuck indoors and trapped in a body cast. The only time she spent outside was to get a sponge bath on the back patio.
But all that pain and suffering would be worth it if she could have her life back, right?
Unfortunately the surgery wasn’t exactly a success.
Soon she was scheduled for another surgery, and another, and another.
11 surgeries overall by the time she was 21 and she still suffered daily with excruciating pain.
And with her limited mobility and stress she soon started slowly gaining weight.
10 pounds here, 20 pounds there. Soon she had 40+ pounds to lose. No small feat for anyone, but even worse when the pain from normal exercise is insufferable.
It turns out the pain was so bad because studies found that with hip issues every extra pound gained was equal to 4 pounds of force on the body. So what looked like 40 pounds was actually much more severe.
Needing to find a solution she then tried dieting. She’d lose a bit, start to feel hope, then be let down as the pounds quickly returned. Up and down. Fad diets, cleanses, and programs all fell short.
The frustration she experienced almost forced her to quit and resign herself to a life of pain management.
But then she decided that she had had enough. She wasn’t going to accept a lesser life than she knew she could have. That’s when she made a vow to stop at nothing to get this figured out... To get her life back and to live life on her own terms.
So she bought book after book. She read study after study. And she talked to doctor after doctor. Slowly but surely, she started to see little successes. She used herself as a guinea pig to try everything out there and even some new things she thought might work.
Some things worked, most didn’t. But she started to piece together the puzzle. She was a women obsessed and on a mission.
Then, after many lucky breaks, she eventually stumbled upon how weight loss actually worked. And shortly after her discovery she was able to quickly reached her goal weight and to keep it off. So after reaching her goal weight, and after two more surgeries to get total hip replacements, she now lives a mostly pain-free life.
Then something unexpected happened. With her sudden success and amazing story, people started asking her for help. Before she knew it she had clients getting success in record time using the same system she developed. Women and men of all ages were being helped by what she had discovered.
As word of people’s success spread she soon had more clients than she could handle. But she knew she could be helping even more people. So eventually she launched website and started putting her knowledge out there. She still takes on a handful of clients each month, but also helps people through social media and free videos.
People interested in changing their metabolisms and life can follow Kalli on Facebook and take the Metabolic Ratio Quiz found here: LINK